Couples therapy helps couples improve and strengthen their relationship. While it may be beneficial to your relationship, it can feel scary to start. Knowing what to expect in couples counseling can help relieve some stress and uncertainty.

How Can Couples Therapy Help?

Relationships can be wonderful, but they also come with their challenges. There are numerous reasons why couples may seek therapy. Some reasons include:

  • Poor communication

  • Rebuilding trust after infidelity

  • Mental health issues or addiction

  • Resolving conflicts

  • Navigating life transitions (marriage, job change, children)

  • Lack of intimacy and connection

  • Preemptive relationship maintenance

  • Many more! 

Beginning Sessions

Couples therapy provides a safe space for couples to explore their feelings and concerns. Your therapist will create a non-judgemental space for you to share openly. During the initial sessions, the therapist will focus on getting to know both partners. An important part of this time is building trust between the couple and therapist. Your therapist may meet with you and your partner individually at the beginning. That way, they can get to know you and your background better. 

The therapist does not sit back and watch discussions. They will take an active role in the session by facilitating healthy communication. The therapist will also ask questions to understand the dynamics of the relationship. You will answer questions about your relationship history, common conflicts or challenges, and communication style.

This will help the therapist to get an idea of patterns in the relationship. It will also help uncover any root causes of problems. The therapist will point out any areas that might be causing miscommunication. You will also gain insight and practical tools to help you improve communication.

 Developing Effective Strategies

Couples therapy is not only talking about emotions and conflicts. The therapist will also provide you with strategies and techniques to use in daily life. These approaches will be tailored to your unique relationship.

Some examples of strategies include:

  • Problem-solving techniques

  • Active listening skills

  • Assertiveness training

  • Communication skills

Supporting Lasting Change

Couples therapy is not a quick fix. It is a transformative process that requires active participation from both partners. The role of the therapist is not to give advice or blame one partner. They will empower the couple to take ownership of the relationship's growth. 

In-session is not the only place where work can be done in the relationship. Your therapist may assign homework or exercises to be practiced between sessions. These assignments will help you reinforce the skills you learn in therapy. This can help you integrate the insights and skills into your daily lives.

EFT Couples Therapy

Neema Counseling has couples therapists who are trained in Emotion-focused Therapy (EFT). EFT is an evidenced-based model that focuses on exploring negative emotions and patterns in a relationship. During sessions, the therapist will take an active role in understanding relationship dynamics. They will also help direct new ways of interacting. EFT sessions involve the following:  

  1. Identifying the negative cycle within a relationship:
    There may be negative patterns within a relationship that even the couple does not recognize. For example, every time the husband brings up a topic, the wife rolls her eyes and gets angry. 

  2. Uncovering the raw emotion:
    Couples may show that they are angry or frustrated. EFT looks at what is behind those emotions. For example: One partner comes across as very angry and frustrated. Behind those emotions, it is uncovered that the person is  scared that the other partner is pulling away.

  3. Communicating from the raw emotion:
    When the couple is talking about the raw emotions, a whole new communication unfolds about the same issue. Couples can gain compassion for each other and insight into what the other person is really feeling.

Couples Therapy in Texas

Neema Counseling has skilled therapists who work with couples. They create a safe and warm environment to invite couples to explore issues and feelings. Our therapists join in with the couple and gently guide conversations. They collaboratively explore emotions, patterns, and root causes of conflicts. They provide skills and strategies the couple can use to improve their relationship. We offer free consultations for couples interested in couples therapy.