What is structural family therapy?

Structural family therapy is a type of family therapy that views the family as a system. The goal of structural family therapy is to improve the interactions between family members by restructuring the family system. 

The therapist observes the family's routines, behaviors, and patterns. Then, the therapist works with the family to make adjustments to the structure. These adjustments include implementing boundaries, realigning sub-systems, or changing the hierarchy of power.

Dysfunction can result from failures in adjusting to circumstances that change. Dysfunction can alter the family structure, causing stress and other issues. Boundaries that are too rigid or not strong enough can also lead to difficulties within a family. Sometimes, the hierarchy of the family is in misalignment due to sub-systems that form. The therapist can work with the family to explore what can lead to more positive relationships in the family. 

What Does a Structural Family Therapist Do?

The role of the therapist in structural family therapy is to develop a strong, empathetic relationship with the family. The family is viewed with respect and the therapist acknowledges that the family members are experts on their own family system. The therapist will join the family and work with them to discover what works well for their family. 

The therapist will observe the family and make note of the family's:

  •  Structure

  • Dysfunctional patterns

  • Sub-groups (ex: parent to child)

  • Behaviors/habits

The therapist will work with the family to alter boundaries and realign sub-systems to create cohesion. Additionally, the therapist will facilitate discussions with family members. Through these discussions, the family can explore what has been helpful/harmful for them.

What happens in structural family therapy?

Family Mapping

The therapist will create a family map after observing the family. The map depicts the structure, sub-systems, and boundaries of the family. The family map is particularly helpful for the therapist to have a better understanding of how the family functions. 

Realigning Sub-systems

Sub-systems are systems that exist within the family unit. This could be a parent and child, relationship between two parents, etc. Problems can arise when sub-systems are misaligned.

For example, mom and son feel like they are under attack often from dad and daughter. Through creating boundaries, the therapist can help realign the hierarchy and have mom and dad working together.

Creating Boundaries

Boundaries help the family function in a healthy and cohesive way. In the example above, a boundary could be mom and dad not interjecting when son and daughter are in conflict. 


The therapist will gently challenge any dysfunctional patterns. This can help their family regain homeostasis.

When Could Families benefit from structural family therapy?

  • There is high conflict within the family

  • A family member is dealing with a mental health issue such as substance abuse

  • The family has experienced a traumatic event

  • Divorce, separation, remarriage

  • Blended families

  • Families experiencing significant changes

Structural family therapy in houston, texas

Barrosha Boykin integrates structural family therapy in her work with families. She believes that it is important to find out what works best for each individual family. She strives to join in with the families she works with to help them improve their family unit. If you are interested in working with Barrosha to help your family to be more cohesive, schedule a consultation here